I regularly knock on doors in all our neighborhoods and hold weekly office hours at Cafe Borrone to hear your ideas. What can our city do better? Where should we prioritize our time, energy, and investments? As a councilmember, my role is to support your needs and prioritize your issues in a collaborative and transparent way.
Priority #1: Community
We’re revitalizing downtown by bringing together a new coalition of residents and business leaders focused on adding more vibrancy and making faster progress.
We’re fighting for establishing quiet zones to quiet the train horns. The voices of residents have to be heard and everyone deserves the right to relax in their own homes and get relief from the constant noise pollution.
We’re championing balanced, reasonable, and affordable development by tracking progress on how well the city is implementing its approved housing element.
We’re prioritizing integrated public transportation to move us from a fragmented system to one that seamlessly connects our communities.
Priority # 2: Climate
Climate change is here today with extreme heat, storms, wildfires, and power outages. We need more resources to stay prepared and support what our residents need now.
We have to move away from fossil fuels. We’ll make it easier and more affordable to electrify our homes and buildings, install solar, and convert to electric vehicles.
Nature-based solutions fight climate change, enhance our public health, and improve the quality of life in our community. I strongly support planting and protecting more trees, preserving and expanding our parks, and restoring our rivers, creeks, and streams.
Priority #3: Youth
We’re expanding youth engagement in every part of city planning and projects. More students should be involved directly in creating plans and running projects across the city.
We’re supporting working families and make volunteer and workforce development programs more visible. Great career opportunities in all the trades, in data science, in education, and sustainability can’t be invisible.
We’re continuing investments in safe streets and routes to school so we can all drive, bike, and walk together safely.
Getting our kids more engaged gives them hope for the future. Our city is changing for them too and they can bring great ideas and insights to everything they do.